Version: 2017.3
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


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public T GetOrCreatePersistentData (object existing, string key);
public T GetOrCreatePersistentData (ScriptableObject existing, string key);


existing An existing object to be persisted, or null to create a new object. If no persisted state is found, a non-null object will be returned as-is.
key The key for the current VisualElement to be used with the persistence store on the EditorWindow.


T The same object being passed in (or a new one if null was passed in), but possibly with its persistent state restored.


Takes a reference to an existing persisted object and a key and returns the object either filled with the persisted state or as-is.

Takes a reference to an existing (or null) persisted object and a key, ideally from VisualElement.GetFullHierarchicalPersistenceKey, and returns the object either filled with the persisted state or as-is. It will also create a new persisted object if its passed in null and no persisted state is found. This function will not save anything into the persistence store on the EditorWindow.

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