Version: 2017.3
public void SetFloat (string name, float value);
public void SetFloat (int nameID, float value);


nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
value Float value to set.
name Property name, e.g. "_Glossiness".


Sets a named float value.

When setting values on materials using the Standard Shader, you should be aware that you may need to use EnableKeyword to enable features of the shader that were not previously in use. For more detail, read Accessing Materials via Script.

See Also: GetFloat, Materials, ShaderLab documentation, Shader.PropertyToID, Properties in Shader Programs.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public Renderer rend; void Start() { rend = GetComponent<Renderer>(); rend.material.shader = Shader.Find("Specular"); } void Update() { float shininess = Mathf.PingPong(Time.time, 1.0F); rend.material.SetFloat("_Shininess", shininess); } }
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