
class in UnityEngine

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Обеспечивает доступ к дисплею / экрану для операций визуализации.

Multi-display rendering is available on PC (Windows/Mac/Linux), iOS and Android.

Use the Display class to operate on the displays themselves, and Camera.targetDisplay to set up cameras for rendering to individual displays.

See Also: Camera.targetDisplay, Canvas.targetDisplay.

void Start()
    // GUI is rendered with last camera.
    // As we want it to end up in the main screen, make sure main camera is the last one drawn.
    extCam.depth = camera.depth - 1;

camera.SetTargetBuffers(Display.main.colorBuffer, Display.main.depthBuffer); extCam.enabled = false; }

void Update() { if(Display.displays.Length > 1 && !extCam.enabled) { Display.displays[1].SetRenderingResolution(256,256); extCam.SetTargetBuffers(Display.displays[1].colorBuffer, Display.displays[1].depthBuffer); } extCam.enabled = Display.displays.Length > 1; }

Static Variables

displaysСписок подключенных в данный момент дисплеев. Содержит по крайней мере один (основной) дисплей.
mainОсновной дисплей.


activeGets the state of the display and returns true if the display is active and false if otherwise.
colorBufferЦвет RenderBuffer.
depthBufferГлубина RenderBuffer.
renderingHeightVertical resolution that the display is rendering at.
renderingWidthHorizontal resolution that the display is rendering at.
systemHeightVertical native display resolution.
systemWidthHorizontal native display resolution.

Public Functions

ActivateActivate an external display. Eg. Secondary Monitors connected to the System.
SetParamsSet rendering size and position on screen (Windows only).
SetRenderingResolutionУстанавливает разрешение визуализации для дисплея.

Static Functions

RelativeMouseAtQuery relative mouse coordinates.
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