Version: 2018.1


Describes the state of a node tracked by a XR system. .


accelerationSets the vector representing the current acceleration of the tracked node.
angularAccelerationSets the vector representing the current angular acceleration of the tracked node.
angularVelocitySets the vector representing the current angular velocity of the tracked node.
nodeTypeThe type of the tracked node as specified in XRNode.
positionSets the vector representing the current position of the tracked node.
rotationSets the quaternion representing the current rotation of the tracked node.
tracked Set to true if the node is presently being tracked by the underlying XR system, and false if the node is not presently being tracked by the underlying XR system.
uniqueIDThe unique identifier of the tracked node.
velocitySets the vector representing the current velocity of the tracked node.

Public Functions

TryGetAccelerationAttempt to retrieve a vector representing the current acceleration of the tracked node.
TryGetAngularAccelerationAttempt to retrieve a Vector3 representing the current angular acceleration of the tracked node.
TryGetAngularVelocityAttempt to retrieve a Vector3 representing the current angular velocity of the tracked node.
TryGetPositionAttempt to retrieve a vector representing the current position of the tracked node.
TryGetRotationAttempt to retrieve a quaternion representing the current rotation of the tracked node.
TryGetVelocityAttempt to retrieve a vector representing the current velocity of the tracked node.
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