
class in UnityEngine

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Access system and hardware information.

Use this class to figure out capabilities of the underlying platform and hardware. For example, you can check which RenderTexture formats are supported (SupportsRenderTextureFormat), how many CPU threads are available (processorCount), and so on.

Static Variables

batteryLevelThe current battery level (Read Only).
batteryStatusReturns the current status of the device's battery (Read Only).
copyTextureSupportSupport for various Graphics.CopyTexture cases (Read Only).
deviceModelThe model of the device (Read Only).
deviceNameThe user defined name of the device (Read Only).
deviceTypeReturns the kind of device the application is running on (Read Only).
deviceUniqueIdentifierA unique device identifier. It is guaranteed to be unique for every device (Read Only).
graphicsDeviceIDThe identifier code of the graphics device (Read Only).
graphicsDeviceNameThe name of the graphics device (Read Only).
graphicsDeviceTypeПроизводитель графического адаптера (Read Only).
graphicsDeviceVendorПроизводитель графического адаптера (Read Only).
graphicsDeviceVendorIDThe identifier code of the graphics device vendor (Read Only).
graphicsDeviceVersionПроизводитель графического адаптера (Read Only).
graphicsMemorySizeAmount of video memory present (Read Only).
graphicsMultiThreadedIs graphics device using multi-threaded rendering (Read Only)?
graphicsShaderLevelGraphics device shader capability level (Read Only).
graphicsUVStartsAtTopReturns true if the texture UV coordinate convention for this platform has Y starting at the top of the image.
hasHiddenSurfaceRemovalOnGPUTrue if the GPU supports hidden surface removal.
maxCubemapSizeMaximum Cubemap texture size (Read Only).
maxTextureSizeMaximum texture size (Read Only).
npotSupportWhat NPOT (non-power of two size) texture support does the GPU provide? (Read Only)
operatingSystemOperating system name with version (Read Only).
operatingSystemFamilyReturns the operating system family the game is running on (Read Only).
processorCountNumber of processors present (Read Only).
processorFrequencyНазвание процессора (Read Only).
processorTypeНазвание процессора (Read Only).
supportedRenderTargetCountHow many simultaneous render targets (MRTs) are supported? (Read Only)
supports2DArrayTexturesAre 2D Array textures supported? (Read Only)
supports32bitsIndexBufferAre 32-bit index buffers supported? (Read Only)
supports3DRenderTexturesAre 3D (volume) RenderTextures supported? (Read Only)
supports3DTexturesAre 3D (volume) textures supported? (Read Only)
supportsAccelerometerIs an accelerometer available on the device?
supportsAsyncComputeReturns true when the platform supports asynchronous compute queues and false if otherwise.Note that asynchronous compute queues are only supported on PS4.
supportsAsyncGPUReadbackReturns true if asynchronous readback of GPU data is available for this device and false otherwise.
supportsAudioIs there an Audio device available for playback? (Read Only)
supportsComputeShadersAre compute shaders supported? (Read Only)
supportsCubemapArrayTexturesAre Cubemap Array textures supported? (Read Only)
supportsGPUFenceReturns true when the platform supports GPUFences and false if otherwise.Note that GPUFences are only supported on PS4.
supportsGyroscopeIs a gyroscope available on the device?
supportsHardwareQuadTopologyDoes the hardware support quad topology? (Read Only)
supportsImageEffectsAre image effects supported? (Read Only)
supportsInstancingIs GPU draw call instancing supported? (Read Only)
supportsLocationServiceIs the device capable of reporting its location?
supportsMipStreamingIs streaming of texture mip maps supported? (Read Only)
supportsMotionVectorsWhether motion vectors are supported on this platform.
supportsMultisampleAutoResolveReturns true if multisampled textures are resolved automatically
supportsMultisampledTexturesAre multisampled textures supported? (Read Only)
supportsRawShadowDepthSamplingIs sampling raw depth from shadowmaps supported? (Read Only)
supportsRenderToCubemapAre cubemap render textures supported? (Read Only)
supportsSeparatedRenderTargetsBlendReturns true when the platform supports different blend modes when rendering to multiple render targets, or false otherwise.
supportsShadowsAre built-in shadows supported? (Read Only)
supportsSparseTexturesAre sparse textures supported? (Read Only)
supportsTextureWrapMirrorOnceReturns true if the 'Mirror Once' texture wrap mode is supported. (Read Only)
supportsVibrationIs the device capable of providing the user haptic feedback by vibration?
systemMemorySizeAmount of system memory present (Read Only).
unsupportedIdentifierValue returned by SystemInfo string properties which are not supported on the current platform.
usesReversedZBufferThis property is true if the current platform uses a reversed depth buffer (where values range from 1 at the near plane and 0 at far plane), and false if the depth buffer is normal (0 is near, 1 is far). (Read Only)

Static Functions

IsFormatSupportedVerifies that the specified graphics format is supported for the specified usage.
SupportsBlendingOnRenderTextureFormatIs blending supported on render texture format?
SupportsRenderTextureFormatIs render texture format supported?
SupportsTextureFormatIs texture format supported on this device?
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