Version: 2019.1


class in UnityEditor

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Antialiased curve rendering functionality used by audio tools in the editor.

Static Functions

DrawCurveRenders a thin curve determined by the curve evaluation function. The solid color of the curve is set by the curveColor argument.
DrawFilledCurveFills the area between the curve evaluated by the AudioCurveAndColorEvaluator provided and the bottom of the rectngle with smooth gradients along the edges.
DrawMinMaxFilledCurveFills the area between the two curves evaluated by the AudioMinMaxCurveAndColorEvaluator provided with smooth gradients along the edges.
DrawSymmetricFilledCurveFills the area between the curve evaluated by the AudioCurveAndColorEvaluator provided and its vertical mirror image with smooth gradients along the edges. Useful for drawing amplitude plots of audio signals.


AudioCurveAndColorEvaluatorCurve evaluation function that allows simultaneous evaluation of the curve y-value and a color of the curve at that point.
AudioCurveEvaluatorCurve evaluation function used to evaluate the curve y-value and at the specified point.
AudioMinMaxCurveAndColorEvaluatorCurve evaluation function that allows simultaneous evaluation of the min- and max-curves. The returned minValue and maxValue values are expected to be in the range [-1; 1] and a value of 0 corresponds to the vertical center of the rectangle that is drawn into. Values outside of this range will be clamped. Additionally the color of the curve at this point is evaluated.
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