Version: 2019.1


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public Rect TexturePropertyWithHDRColor (GUIContent label, MaterialProperty textureProp, MaterialProperty colorProperty, bool showAlpha);
Obsolete public Rect TexturePropertyWithHDRColor (GUIContent label, MaterialProperty textureProp, MaterialProperty colorProperty, ColorPickerHDRConfig hdrConfig, bool showAlpha);


labelThe label used for the texture property.
texturePropThe texture property.
colorPropertyThe color property (will be treated as a HDR color).
showAlphaIf false then the alpha channel information will be hidden in the GUI.


Rect Return the Rect used.


Method for showing a texture property control with a HDR color field and its color brightness float field.

The texture is shown using the mini thumbnail. Usefull for compact representation of a texture and a HDR color. See Also: TexturePropertySingleLine, ShaderGUI.

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