Version: 2019.2
public static void CopyCount (ComputeBuffer src, ComputeBuffer dst, int dstOffsetBytes);


srcAppend/consume buffer to copy the counter from.
dstA buffer to copy the counter to.
dstOffsetBytesTarget byte offset in dst.


Копирует значение счетчика добавления/извлечения буфера в другой буфер.

Append/consume and counter buffers (see ComputeBufferType.Append, ComputeBufferType.Counter) keep track of the number of elements in them with a special counter variable. CopyCount takes a buffer as src, and copies its counter value into dst buffer at given byte offset.

This is most commonly used in conjunction with Graphics.DrawProceduralIndirect, to render arbitrary number of primitives without reading their count back to the CPU.

On DX11 there is a restriction on the dst buffer - it must have been created with ComputeBufferType.Raw or ComputeBufferType.IndirectArguments type. On other platforms dst can be any type.

See Also: SetCounterValue.

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