public static IntPtr GetMethodID (IntPtr javaClass, string methodName);
public static IntPtr GetMethodID (IntPtr javaClass, string methodName, string signature);
public static IntPtr GetMethodID (IntPtr javaClass, string methodName, string signature, bool isStatic= false);


javaClassRaw JNI Java class object (obtained by calling AndroidJNI.FindClass).
methodNameName of the method as declared in Java.
signatureMethod signature (e.g. obtained by calling AndroidJNIHelper.GetSignature).
isStaticSet to true for static methods; false for instance (nonstatic) methods.


Scans a particular Java class for a method matching a name and a signature.

The signature comparison is done to allow sub-/base-classes of a class types. If no signature is provided the first method with the correct name will be returned.

See Also: AndroidJNIHelper.GetSignature, AndroidJNIHelper.GetConstructorID, AndroidJNIHelper.GetFieldID.

public static IntPtr GetMethodID (IntPtr jclass, string methodName, object[] args, bool isStatic);


javaClassRaw JNI Java class object (obtained by calling AndroidJNI.FindClass).
methodNameName of the method as declared in Java.
argsArray with parameters to be passed to the method when invoked.
isStaticSet to true for static methods; false for instance (nonstatic) methods.


Get a JNI method ID based on calling arguments.

Generic parameter represents the method return type, and the regular method assumes 'void' return type. Scans a particular Java class for a method matching a signature based on passed arguments. The signature comparison is done to allow for sub-/base-classes of the class types.

public static IntPtr GetMethodID (IntPtr jclass, string methodName, object[] args, bool isStatic);


javaClassRaw JNI Java class object (obtained by calling AndroidJNI.FindClass).
methodNameName of the method as declared in Java.
argsArray with parameters to be passed to the method when invoked.
isStaticSet to true for static methods; false for instance (nonstatic) methods.


Get a JNI method ID based on calling arguments.

Generic parameter represents the method return type, and the regular method assumes 'void' return type. Scans a particular Java class for a method matching a signature based on passed arguments. The signature comparison is done to allow for sub-/base-classes of the class types.

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