public static int BoxCastNonAlloc (Vector2 origin, Vector2 size, float angle, Vector2 direction, RaycastHit2D[] results, float distance= Mathf.Infinity, int layerMask= DefaultRaycastLayers, float minDepth= -Mathf.Infinity, float maxDepth= Mathf.Infinity);


originThe point in 2D space where the box originates.
sizeThe size of the box.
angleThe angle of the box (in degrees).
directionA vector representing the direction of the box.
resultsArray to receive results.
distanceThe maximum distance over which to cast the box.
layerMask@param layerMask Фильтр для обнаружения коллайдеров только на определённых слоях.
minDepth@param minDepth Включает только объекты с координатой Z (глубиной) выше, чем это значение.
maxDepth@param maxDepth Включает только объекты с координатой Z (глубиной) меньше, чем это значение.


int Returns the number of results placed in the results array.


Casts a box into the Scene, returning colliders that contact with it into the provided results array.

This function is similar to the BoxCastAll function except that the results are returned in the supplied array. The integer return value is the number of objects that intersect the box (possibly zero) but the results array will not be resized if it doesn't contain enough elements to report all the results. The significance of this is that no memory is allocated for the results and so garbage collection performance is improved when performed frequently.

The returned RaycastHit2D returns both the point and normal of the contact where the box would touch the collider. It also returns the centroid where the box would be positioned for it to contact at that point.

See Also: LayerMask class, RaycastHit2D class, BoxCast, BoxCastAll,, DefaultRaycastLayers, IgnoreRaycastLayer, raycastsHitTriggers.

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