
struct in UnityEngine

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Информация о том, как сделать символ из текстуры шрифта. См. Font.characterInfo.

See Also: Example at Font.RequestCharactersInTexture.


advanceThe horizontal distance, rounded to the nearest integer, from the origin of this character to the origin of the next character.
bearingThe horizontal distance from the origin of this glyph to the begining of the glyph image.
glyphHeightThe height of the glyph image.
glyphWidthСтиль символа.
indexЮникод значение символа.
maxXThe maximum extend of the glyph image in the x-axis.
maxYThe maximum extend of the glyph image in the y-axis.
minXThe minium extend of the glyph image in the x-axis.
minYThe minimum extend of the glyph image in the y-axis.
sizeРазмер символа или значение 0, если это размер шрифта по умолчанию.
styleСтиль символа.
uvBottomLeftThe uv coordinate matching the bottom left of the glyph image in the font texture.
uvBottomRightThe uv coordinate matching the bottom right of the glyph image in the font texture.
uvTopLeftThe uv coordinate matching the top left of the glyph image in the font texture.
uvTopRightThe uv coordinate matching the top right of the glyph image in the font texture.
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