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public NativeArray<byte> GetBonesPerVertex ();


NativeArray<byte> Returns the number of non-zero bone weights for each vertex.


The number of non-zero bone weights for each vertex.

The size of the returned array is either Mesh.vertexCount or zero. The array is sorted in vertex index order.

Use in combination with Mesh.GetAllBoneWeights to get bone weights for the vertices in the Mesh.

See Also: Mesh.GetAllBoneWeights, Mesh.SetBoneWeights, ModelImporter.maxBonesPerVertex, QualitySettings.skinWeights, SkinnedMeshRenderer.quality.

using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Collections;

public class SkinnedMeshExample : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { // Get a reference to the mesh var skinnedMeshRenderer = GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); var mesh = skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh;

// Get the number of bone weights per vertex var bonesPerVertex = mesh.GetBonesPerVertex();

// Get all the bone weights, in vertex index order var boneWeights = mesh.GetAllBoneWeights();

// Keep track of where we are in the array of bones, as we iterate over the vertices var bonesIndex = 0;

// Iterate over the vertices for (var vertIndex = 0; vertIndex < mesh.vertexCount; vertIndex++) { var numberOfBonesForThisVertex = bonesPerVertex[vertIndex]; Debug.Log("This vertex has " + numberOfBonesForThisVertex + " bones");

// For each vertex, iterate over the array of bones the correct number of times for (var i = 0; i < numberOfBonesForThisVertex; i++) { var currentBoneWeight = boneWeights[bonesIndex]; Debug.Log("Bone weight " + currentBoneWeight.boneIndex + " == " + currentBoneWeight.weight); bonesIndex++; } } } }
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