
class in UnityEditor

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Stores settings of a TextureImporter.

See Also: TextureImporter.


alphaIsTransparencyIf the provided alpha channel is transparency, enable this to dilate the color to avoid filtering artifacts on the edges.
alphaSourceSelect how the alpha of the imported texture is generated.
alphaTestReferenceValueReturns or assigns the alpha test reference value.
anisoAnisotropic filtering level of the texture.
borderMipmapEnable this to avoid colors seeping out to the edge of the lower Mip levels. Used for light cookies.
convertToNormalMapПреобразование высот в карту нормалей?
cubemapConvolutionConvolution mode.
fadeOutFade out mip levels to gray color?
filterModeРежим фильтрации текстур
flipbookColumnsThe number of columns in the source image for a Texture2DArray or Texture3D.
flipbookRowsThe number of rows in the source image for a Texture2DArray or Texture3D.
generateCubemapCubemap generation mode.
heightmapScaleAmount of bumpyness in the heightmap.
ignorePngGammaIgnore the Gamma attribute in PNG files. This property does not effect other file formats.
mipmapBiasMip map bias of the texture.
mipmapEnabledGenerate mip maps for the texture?
mipmapFadeDistanceEndMip level where texture is faded out to gray completely.
mipmapFadeDistanceStartMip level where texture begins to fade out to gray.
mipmapFilterMipmap filtering mode.
mipMapsPreserveCoverageEnables or disables coverage-preserving alpha MIP mapping.
normalMapFilterNormal map filtering mode.
npotScaleScaling mode for non power of two textures.
readableIs texture data readable from scripts.
singleChannelComponentColor or Alpha component Single Channel Textures uses.
spriteAlignmentГрань выравнена относительно изображения спрайта.
spriteBorderBorder sizes of the generated sprites.
spriteExtrudeThe number of blank pixels to leave between the edge of the graphic and the mesh.
spriteGenerateFallbackPhysicsShapeGenerates a default physics shape for a Sprite if a physics shape has not been set by the user.
spriteMeshType SpriteMeshType defines the type of Mesh that TextureImporter generates for a Sprite.