
class in UnityEngine

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AvatarMask is used to mask out humanoid body parts and transforms.

They can be used when importing animation or in an animator controller layer.


transformCountNumber of transforms.


AvatarMaskCreates a new AvatarMask.

Public Functions

AddTransformPathAdds a transform path into the AvatarMask.
GetHumanoidBodyPartActiveReturns true if the humanoid body part at the given index is active.
GetTransformActiveReturns true if the transform at the given index is active.
GetTransformPathReturns the path of the transform at the given index.
RemoveTransformPathRemoves a transform path from the AvatarMask.
SetHumanoidBodyPartActiveSets the humanoid body part at the given index to active or not.
SetTransformActiveSets the tranform at the given index to active or not.
SetTransformPathSets the path of the transform at the given index.
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