public static void MultiFloatField (Rect position, GUIContent[] subLabels, float[] values);
public static void MultiFloatField (Rect position, GUIContent label, GUIContent[] subLabels, float[] values);


position@param position Прямоугольник на экране, использующийся для размещения поля ввода.
label@param label Необязательный текст для отображения перед полем ввода.
subLabelsArray with small labels to show in front of each float field. There is room for one letter per field only.
values@param value Значение для редактирования.


Makes a multi-control with text fields for entering multiple floats in the same line.

The height of the multi-control depends on the total width of its editor window. The control is drawn within the specified rectangle (position). If the control does not fit, it is drawn outside the rectangle. See Also: EditorGUIUtility.wideMode.

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