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public static NativeArray<byte> EncodeNativeArrayToEXR (NativeArray<T> input, Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat format, uint width, uint height, uint rowBytes, Texture2D.EXRFlags flags);


arrayThe native array to convert.
formatThe pixel format of the image data.
widthThe width of the image data in pixels.
heightThe height of the image data in pixels.
rowBytesThe length of a single row in bytes.
flagsFlags used to control compression and the output format.


Encodes this native array into the EXR format.

This function returns a NativeArray<byte> which is the EXR data. Write this data to disk to get the data in the EXR file format.

It is best to use this function for HDR texture formats (either 16-bit or 32-bit floats). The default output format is 16-bit float EXR.

The encoded EXR data will always contain an alpha channel.

This method is thread safe.

Passing rowBytes of 0 will calculate the row length in bytes automatically.

See Also: EXRFlags, EncodeNativeArrayToJPG, EncodeNativeArrayToPNG.

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