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public Texture3D (int width, int height, int depth, TextureFormat textureFormat, bool mipChain);


widthWidth of texture in pixels.
heightHeight of texture in pixels.
depthDepth of texture in pixels.
textureFormatTexture data format.
mipChainDetermines whether the texture has mipmaps or not. A value of 1 (true) means the texture does have mipmaps, and a value of 0 (false) means the texture doesn't have mipmaps.


Создать новую пустую 3d текстуру.

3D textures can be thought of as a box of pixels, with width, height and depth. Note that large textures can consume a lot of memory, for example a 1024x512x256 texture with TextureFormat.ARGB32 format and no mipmaps will consume 512MB of memory.

See Also: SetPixel, SetPixels, SetPixels32, Apply functions.

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