Legacy Documentation: Version 2017.1 (Go to current version)
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public static function Begin(): void;
public static void Begin();


Initializes the splash screen so it is ready to begin drawing. Call this before you start calling SplashScreen.Draw. Internally this function resets the timer and prepares the logos for drawing.

#pragma strict
// This example shows how you could draw the splash screen at the start of a scene. This is a good way to integrate the splash screen with your own or add extras such as Audio.
public class SplashScreenExample extends MonoBehaviour {
	function Start() {
		Debug.Log("Showing splash screen");
		while ( !SplashScreen.isFinished ) {
		Debug.Log("Finished showing splash screen");
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

// This example shows how you could draw the splash screen at the start of a scene. This is a good way to integrate the splash screen with your own or add extras such as Audio. public class SplashScreenExample : MonoBehaviour { IEnumerator Start() { Debug.Log("Showing splash screen"); SplashScreen.Begin(); while (!SplashScreen.isFinished) { SplashScreen.Draw(); yield return null; } Debug.Log("Finished showing splash screen"); } }