Legacy Documentation: Version 2017.2 (Go to current version)
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public var overrideSprite: Sprite;
public Sprite overrideSprite;


Set an override sprite to be used for rendering.

The overrideSprite variable allows a sprite to have the sprite changed. This change happens immediately. When the changed sprite is no longer needed the sprite can be reverted back to the original version. This happens when the overrideSprite is set to null.
Note: The script example below has two buttons. The button textures are loaded from the Resources folder. (They are not used in the shown example). Two sprites are added to the example code. Example1 and Example2 are functions called by the button OnClick functions. Example1 calls overrideSprite and Example2 sets overrideSprite to null.

#pragma strict
private var sprite1: Sprite;
private var sprite2: Sprite;
private var i: Image;
public function Start() {
	i = GetComponent.<Image>();
	sprite1 = Resources.Load.<Sprite>("texture1");
	sprite2 = Resources.Load.<Sprite>("texture2");
	i.sprite = sprite1;
// Uses overrideSprite to make this change temporary
public function Example1() {
	i.overrideSprite = sprite2;
// Removes the overrideSprite which causes the original sprite to be used again.
public function Example2() {
	i.overrideSprite = null;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { private Sprite sprite1; private Sprite sprite2; private Image i;

public void Start() { i = GetComponent<Image>(); sprite1 = Resources.Load<Sprite>("texture1"); sprite2 = Resources.Load<Sprite>("texture2");

i.sprite = sprite1; }

// Called by a Button OnClick() with ExampleClass.Example1 // Uses overrideSprite to make this change temporary public void Example1() { i.overrideSprite = sprite2; }

// Called by a Button OnClick() with ExampleClass.Example2 // Removes the overrideSprite which causes the original sprite to be used again. public void Example2() { i.overrideSprite = null; } }