class in UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls
Inherits from:IMGUI.Controls.PrimitiveBoundsHandle
A compound handle to edit a sphere-shaped bounding volume in the Scene view.
A sphere volume is defined by only a radius parameter, and so dragging a handle will always scale the volume uniformly.
2D and 3D SphereBoundsHandle in the Scene View.
See Also: PrimitiveBoundsHandle.
radius | Returns or specifies the radius of the capsule bounding volume. |
SphereBoundsHandle | Create a new instance of the SphereBoundsHandle class. |
DrawWireframe | Draw a wireframe sphere for this instance. |
OnHandleChanged | A callback for when a control handle was dragged in the scene. |
axes | Flags specifying which axes should display control handles. |
center | Returns or specifies the center of the bounding volume for the handle. |
handleColor | Returns or specifies the color of the control handles. |
midpointHandleDrawFunction | An optional CapFunction to use when displaying the control handles. Defaults to Handles.DotHandleCap if no value is specified. |
midpointHandleSizeFunction | The SizeFunction to specify how large the midpoint control handles should be. |
wireframeColor | Returns or specifies the color of the wireframe shape. |
DrawHandle | A function to display this instance in the current handle camera using its current configuration. |
SetColor | Sets handleColor and wireframeColor to the same value. |
GetSize | Gets the current size of the bounding volume for this instance. |
IsAxisEnabled | Gets a value indicating whether the specified axis is enabled for the current instance. |
SetSize | Sets the current size of the bounding volume for this instance. |
DefaultMidpointHandleSizeFunction | A SizeFunction that returns a fixed screen-space size. |