Legacy Documentation: Version 2018.1 (Go to current version)
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Flags that control how a MaterialProperty is displayed.


NoneNo flags are set.
HideInInspectorDo not show the property in the Inspector.
PerRendererDataTexture value for this property will be queried from renderer's MaterialPropertyBlock, instead of from the material. This corresponds to the "[PerRendererData]" attribute in front of a property in the shader code.
NoScaleOffsetDo not show UV scale/offset fields next to a texture.
NormalSignifies that values of this property contain Normal (normalized vector) data.
HDRSignifies that values of this property contain High Dynamic Range (HDR) data.
GammaSignifies that values of this property are in gamma space and should not be gamma corrected.
NonModifiableTextureDataDo not allow this texture property to be edited in the Inspector.