Legacy Documentation: Version 2018.1 (Go to current version)
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public method SetRandomWriteTarget(index: int, rt: Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier): void;
public void SetRandomWriteTarget(int index, Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier rt);
public method SetRandomWriteTarget(index: int, buffer: ComputeBuffer, preserveCounterValue: bool = false): void;
public void SetRandomWriteTarget(int index, ComputeBuffer buffer, bool preserveCounterValue = false);


indexIndex of the random write target in the shader.
bufferComputeBuffer to set as write targe.
preserveCounterValueWhether to leave the append/consume counter value unchanged.
rtRenderTargetIdentifier to set as write target.


Set random write target for Shader Model 4.5 level pixel shaders.

This is the CommandBuffer equivalent of Graphics.SetRandomWriteTarget. The same limitations nad exceptions applies to this call.
