class in UnityEngine.Timeline
Inherits from:Playables.PlayableAsset
Implements interfaces:IPropertyPreview, ITimelineClipAsset
Asset that generates playables for controlling time-related elements on a GameObject.
This playable optionally controls ParticleSystem, PlayableDirectors and Activation from a GameObject. Users can also specify a Prefab that will be instantiated, and parented to the the sourceObject if specified.
active | Indicate if the playable will use Activation. |
particleRandomSeed | Let the particle systems behave the same way on each execution. |
postPlayback | Indicates the active state of the gameObject when the Timeline is stopped. |
prefabGameObject | Prefab object that will be instantiated. |
searchHierarchy | Indicate whether to search the entire hierachy for controlable components. |
sourceGameObject | GameObject in the scene to control, or the parent of the instantiated prefab. |
updateDirector | Indicate if user wants to control PlayableDirectors. |
updateITimeControl | Indicates that whether Monobehaviours implementing ITimeControl on the gameObject will be controlled. |
updateParticle | Indicates if user wants to control ParticleSystems. |
hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? |
name | The name of the object. |
duration | The playback duration in seconds of the instantiated Playable. |
outputs | A description of the outputs of the instantiated Playable. |
GetInstanceID | Returns the instance id of the object. |
ToString | Returns the name of the GameObject. |
CreatePlayable | Implement this method to have your asset inject playables into the given graph. |
Destroy | Removes a gameobject, component or asset. |
DestroyImmediate | Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Do not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene. |
FindObjectOfType | Returns the first active loaded object of Type type. |
FindObjectsOfType | Returns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type. |
Instantiate | Clones the object original and returns the clone. |
CreateInstance | Creates an instance of a scriptable object. |
bool | Does the object exist? |
operator != | Compares if two objects refer to a different object. |
operator == | Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object. |