Version: 2018.4
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class in UnityEditor


Implemented in:UnityEditor

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SettingsProvider is the configuration class that specifies how a Project setting or a preference should appear in the Settings or Preferences window.

In order to add new Project settings or preference pages, define a SettingsProvider. The SettingsProvider class provides the hooks to display any UI (using either IMGUI or UIElements to draw it). It also provides an API that allows you to specify keywords which are used in the Settings and Preferences windows in two ways:

1) The search bar filters out SettingsProviders that don't have matching keywords.

2) Property Labels are highlighted with matching keywords.

This example demonstrates multiple ways to create and configure different SettingsProviders:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.StyleEnums;

// Create a new type of Settings Asset. class MyCustomSettings : ScriptableObject { public const string k_MyCustomSettingsPath = "Assets/Editor/MyCustomSettings.asset";

[SerializeField] private int m_Number;

[SerializeField] private string m_SomeString;

internal static MyCustomSettings GetOrCreateSettings() { var settings = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<MyCustomSettings>(k_MyCustomSettingsPath); if (settings == null) { settings = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MyCustomSettings>(); settings.m_Number = 42; settings.m_SomeString = "The answer to the universe"; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(settings, k_MyCustomSettingsPath); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } return settings; }

internal static SerializedObject GetSerializedSettings() { return new SerializedObject(GetOrCreateSettings()); } }

// Register a SettingsProvider using IMGUI for the drawing framework: static class MyCustomSettingsIMGUIRegister { [SettingsProvider] public static SettingsProvider CreateMyCustomSettingsProvider() { // First parameter is the path in the Settings window. // Second parameter is the scope of this setting: it only appears in the Project Settings window. var provider = new SettingsProvider("Project/MyCustomIMGUISettings", SettingsScope.Project) { // By default the last token of the path is used as display name if no label is provided. label = "Custom IMGUI", // Create the SettingsProvider and initialize its drawing (IMGUI) function in place: guiHandler = (searchContext) => { var settings = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(settings.FindProperty("m_Number"), new GUIContent("My Number")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(settings.FindProperty("m_SomeString"), new GUIContent("My String")); },

// Populate the search keywords to enable smart search filtering and label highlighting: keywords = new HashSet<string>(new[] { "Number", "Some String" }) };

return provider; } }

// Register a SettingsProvider using UIElements for the drawing framework: static class MyCustomSettingsUIElementsRegister { [SettingsProvider] public static SettingsProvider CreateMyCustomSettingsProvider() { // First parameter is the path in the Settings window. // Second parameter is the scope of this setting: it only appears in the Settings window for the Project scope. var provider = new SettingsProvider("Project/MyCustomUIElementsSettings", SettingsScope.Project) { label = "Custom UI Elements", // activateHandler is called when the user clicks on the Settings item in the Settings window. activateHandler = (searchContext, rootElement) => { var settings = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings();

// rootElement is a VisualElement. If you add any children to it, the OnGUI function // isn't called because the SettingsProvider uses the UIElements drawing framework. rootElement.AddStyleSheetPath("Assets/Editor/settings_ui.uss"); var title = new Label() { text = "Custom UI Elements" }; title.AddToClassList("title"); rootElement.Add(title);

var properties = new VisualElement() { style = { flexDirection = FlexDirection.Column } }; properties.AddToClassList("property-list"); rootElement.Add(properties);

var tf = new TextField() { value = settings.FindProperty("m_SomeString").stringValue }; tf.AddToClassList("property-value"); properties.Add(tf); },

// Populate the search keywords to enable smart search filtering and label highlighting: keywords = new HashSet<string>(new[] { "Number", "Some String" }) };

return provider; } }

// Create MyCustomSettingsProvider by deriving from SettingsProvider: class MyCustomSettingsProvider : SettingsProvider { private SerializedObject m_CustomSettings;

class Styles { public static GUIContent number = new GUIContent("My Number"); public static GUIContent someString = new GUIContent("Some string"); }

const string k_MyCustomSettingsPath = "Assets/Editor/MyCustomSettings.asset"; public MyCustomSettingsProvider(string path, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.User) : base(path, scope) {}

public static bool IsSettingsAvailable() { return File.Exists(k_MyCustomSettingsPath); }

public override void OnActivate(string searchContext, VisualElement rootElement) { // This function is called when the user clicks on the MyCustom element in the Settings window. m_CustomSettings = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings(); }

public override void OnGUI(string searchContext) { // Use IMGUI to display UI: EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_CustomSettings.FindProperty("m_Number"), Styles.number); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_CustomSettings.FindProperty("m_SomeString"), Styles.someString); }

// Register the SettingsProvider [SettingsProvider] public static SettingsProvider CreateMyCustomSettingsProvider() { if (IsSettingsAvailable()) { var provider = new MyCustomSettingsProvider("Project/MyCustomSettingsProvider", SettingsScope.Project);

// Automatically extract all keywords from the Styles. provider.keywords = GetSearchKeywordsFromGUIContentProperties<Styles>(); return provider; }

// Settings Asset doesn't exist yet; no need to display anything in the Settings window. return null; } }


activateHandlerOverrides SettingsProvider.OnActivate.
deactivateHandlerOverrides SettingsProvider.OnDeactivate.
footerBarGuiHandlerOverrides SettingsProvider.OnFooterBarGUI.
guiHandlerOverrides SettingsProvider.OnGUI.
hasSearchInterestHandlerOverrides SettingsProvider.HasSearchInterest.
keywordsGets or sets the list of keywords to compare against what the user is searching for. When the user enters values in the search box on the Settings window, SettingsProvider.HasSearchInterest tries to match those keywords to this list.
labelGets or sets the display name of the SettingsProvider as it appears in the Settings window. If not set, the Settings window uses last token of SettingsProvider.settingsPath instead.
scopeGets the Scope of the SettingsProvider. The Scope determines whether the SettingsProvider appears in the Preferences window (SettingsScope.User) or the Settings window (SettingsScope.Project).
settingsPathGets Path used to place the SettingsProvider in the tree view of the Settings window. The path should be unique among all other settings paths and should use "/" as its separator.
titleBarGuiHandlerOverrides SettingsProvider.OnTitleBarGUI.


SettingsProviderCreates a new SettingsProvider.

Public Methods

HasSearchInterestChecks whether the SettingsProvider should appear when the user types something in the Settings window search box. SettingsProvider tries to match the search terms (even partially) to any of the SettingsProvider.keywords. The search is case insensitive.
OnActivateUse this function to implement a handler for when the user clicks on the Settings in the Settings window. You can fetch a settings Asset or set up UIElements UI from this function.
OnDeactivateUse this function to implement a handler for when the user clicks on another setting or when the Settings window closes.
OnFooterBarGUIUse this function to override drawing the footer for the SettingsProvider using IMGUI.
OnGUIUse this function to draw the UI based on IMGUI. This assumes you haven't added any children to the rootElement passed to the OnActivate function.
OnTitleBarGUIUse this function to override drawing the title for the SettingsProvider using IMGUI. This allows you to add custom UI (such as a toolbar button) next to the title. AssetSettingsProvider uses this mecanism to display the "add to preset" and the "help" buttons.
RepaintRequest the SettingsWindow for a repaint.

Static Methods

GetSearchKeywordsFromGUIContentPropertiesExtract search keywords from all public static memebers in a specific Type.
GetSearchKeywordsFromPathExtract search keywords from the serialized properties of an Asset at a specific path.
GetSearchKeywordsFromSerializedObjectExtract search keywords from from the serialized properties of a SerializedObject.
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