
struct in UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Input


Implemented in:UnityEngine.VRModule

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Represents one detected instance of an interaction source (hand, controller, or user's voice) that can cause interactions and gestures.


handednessDenotes which hand was used as the input source.
idThe identifier for the interaction source (hand, controller, or user's voice).
kindSpecifies the kind of an interaction source.
productIdFollowing the make and model nomenclature of cars, this equates to the model number.
productVersionFollowing the make and model nomenclature of cars, this would be a minor update to the model.
supportsGraspThis property returns true when the interaction source has at least one grasp button, and false if otherwise.
supportsMenuThis property returns true when the interaction source has a menu button, and false if otherwise.
supportsPointingThis property returns true if the interaction source has a separate pose for the pointer, and false if otherwise.
supportsThumbstickReturns true if the interaction source has a thumbstick, and false if otherwise.
supportsTouchpadReturns true if the interaction source has a touchpad, and false if otherwise.
vendorIdAll interaction sources developed by the same company will have the same vendor ID.