Version: 2019.3
  • C#


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public static T FromJson(string json);


jsonThe JSON representation of the object.


T An instance of the object.


Create an object from its JSON representation.

Internally, this method uses the Unity serializer; therefore the type you are creating must be supported by the serializer. It must be a plain class/struct marked with the Serializable attribute. Fields of the object must have types supported by the serializer. Fields that have unsupported types, as well as private fields or fields marked with the NonSerialized attribute, will be ignored.

Only plain classes and structures are supported; classes derived from UnityEngine.Object (such as MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject) are not.

If the JSON representation is missing any fields, they will be given their default values (i.e. a field of type T will have value default(T) - it will not be given any value specified as a field initializer, as the constructor for the object is not executed during deserialization).

The versions of this method that take strings can be called from background threads. The versions that take a TextAsset must be called from the main thread.

using UnityEngine;

[System.Serializable] public class PlayerInfo { public string name; public int lives; public float health;

public static PlayerInfo CreateFromJSON(string jsonString) { return JsonUtility.FromJson<PlayerInfo>(jsonString); }

// Given JSON input: // {"name":"Dr Charles","lives":3,"health":0.8} // this example will return a PlayerInfo object with // name == "Dr Charles", lives == 3, and health == 0.8f. }

public static object FromJson(string json, Type type);


jsonThe JSON representation of the object.
typeThe type of object represented by the Json.


object An instance of the object.


Create an object from its JSON representation.

Internally, this method uses the Unity serializer; therefore the type you are creating must be supported by the serializer. It must be a plain class/struct marked with the Serializable attribute. Fields of the object must have types supported by the serializer. Fields that have unsupported types, as well as private fields or fields marked with the NonSerialized attribute, will be ignored.

Only plain classes and structures are supported; classes derived from UnityEngine.Object (such as MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject) are not.

If the JSON representation is missing any fields, they will be given their default values (i.e. a field of type T will have value default(T) - it will not be given any value specified as a field initializer, as the constructor for the object is not executed during deserialization).

The versions of this method that take strings can be called from background threads. The versions that take a TextAsset must be called from the main thread.

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