Version: 2020.1
  • C#


class in UnityEngine.UIElements


Inherits from:UIElements.PanelChangedEventBase_1


Implemented in:UnityEngine.UIElementsModule

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Event sent after an element is added to an element that is a descendent of a panel.


AttachToPanelEventConstructor. Avoid creating new event instances. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an instance from a pool of reusable event instances.

Inherited Members


bubblesWhether this event type bubbles up in the event propagation path.
currentTargetThe current target of the event. This is the VisualElement, in the propagation path, for which event handlers are currently being executed.
dispatchWhether the event is being dispatched to a visual element. An event cannot be redispatched while it being dispatched. If you need to recursively dispatch an event, it is recommended that you use a copy of the event.
eventTypeIdRetrieves the type ID for this event instance.
imguiEventThe IMGUIEvent at the source of this event. The source can be null since not all events are generated by IMGUI.
isDefaultPreventedReturn true if the default actions should not be executed for this event.
isImmediatePropagationStoppedWhether StopImmediatePropagation() was called for this event.
isPropagationStoppedWhether StopPropagation() was called for this event.
originalMousePositionThe original mouse position of the IMGUI event, before it is transformed to the current target local coordinates.
pooledWhether the event is allocated from a pool of events.
propagationPhaseThe current propagation phase.
targetThe target visual element that received this event. Unlike currentTarget, this target does not change when the event is sent to other elements along the propagation path.
timestampThe time when the event was created.
tricklesDownWhether this event is sent down the event propagation path during the TrickleDown phase.
eventTypeIdRetrieves the type ID for this event instance.
destinationPanelIn the case of AttachToPanelEvent, the panel to which the event target element is now attached. In the case of DetachFromPanelEvent, the panel to which the event target element will be attached.
originPanelIn the case of AttachToPanelEvent, the panel to which the event target element was attached. In the case of DetachFromPanelEvent, the panel from which the event target element is detached.

Public Methods

DisposeImplementation of IDisposable.
PreventDefaultWhether the default actions are prevented from being executed for this event.
StopImmediatePropagationImmediately stops the propagation of the event. The event is not sent to other elements along the propagation path. This method prevents other event handlers from executing on the current target.
StopPropagationStops propagating this event. The event is not sent to other elements along the propagation path. This method does not prevent other event handlers from executing on the current target.
DisposeImplementation of IDispose.

Protected Methods

InitResets all event members to their initial values.
InitResets all event members to their initial values.
InitResets the event members to their initial values.

Static Methods

RegisterEventTypeRegisters an event class to the event type system.
GetPooledGets an event from the event pool. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained using this method need to be released back to the pool. You can use `Dispose()` to release them.
TypeIdGets the type ID for the event class.
GetPooledGets an event from the event pool and initializes it with the given values. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained using this method need to be released back to the pool. You can use `Dispose()` to release them.