AttachToPanelEvent | Event sent after an element is added to an element that is a descendent of a panel. |
BaseField<T0> | Abstract base class for controls. |
BaseFieldTraits<T0,T1> | Traits for the BaseField. |
BaseSlider<T0> | This is a base class for the Slider fields. |
BindableElement | Element that can be bound to a property. |
BlurEvent | Event sent immediately after an element has lost focus. This event trickles down, it does not bubble up, and it cannot be cancelled. |
Box | Styled visual element to match the IMGUI Box Style. |
Button | A clickable button. |
CallbackEventHandler | Interface for classes capable of having callbacks to handle events. |
ChangeEvent<T0> | Sends an event when a value in a field changes. |
Clickable | Manipulator that tracks Mouse events on an element and callbacks when the elements is clicked. |
ClickEvent | The event sent when the left mouse button is clicked. |
CommandEventBase<T0> | Base class for command events. |
ContextClickEvent | The event sent when clicking the right mouse button. |
ContextualMenuManager | Use this class to display a contextual menu. |
ContextualMenuManipulator | Manipulator that displays a contextual menu when the user clicks the right mouse button or presses the menu key on the keyboard. |
ContextualMenuPopulateEvent | The event sent when a contextual menu requires menu items. |
CustomStyleResolvedEvent | Event sent after the custom style properties of a VisualElement have been resolved. |
DetachFromPanelEvent | Event sent just before an element is detach from its parent, if the parent is the descendant of a panel. |
DragAndDropEventBase<T0> | Base class for drag and drop events. |
DragEnterEvent | Use the DragEnterEvent class to manage events that occur when dragging enters an element or one of its descendants. The DragEnterEvent is cancellable, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. |
DragExitedEvent | The event sent to a dragged element when the drag and drop process ends. |
DragLeaveEvent | Use the DragLeaveEvent class to manage events sent when dragging leaves an element or one of its descendants. The DragLeaveEvent is cancellable, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. |
DragPerformEvent | The event sent to an element when another element is dragged and dropped on the element. |
DragUpdatedEvent | The event sent when the element being dragged enters a possible drop target. |
DropdownMenu | A drop-down menu. |
DropdownMenuAction | A menu action item. |
DropdownMenuEventInfo | This class provides information about the event that triggered displaying the drop-down menu. |
DropdownMenuItem | An item in a drop-down menu. |
DropdownMenuSeparator | A separator menu item. |
Easing | A collection of easing curves to be used with ValueAnimations. |
EventBase | The base class for all UIElements events. |
EventBase<T0> | Generic base class for events, implementing event pooling and automatic registration to the event type system. |
EventDispatcher | Dispatches events to a IPanel. |
ExecuteCommandEvent | The event sent when an element should execute a command. |
Focusable | Base class for objects that can get the focus. |
FocusChangeDirection | Base class for defining in which direction the focus moves in a focus ring. |
FocusController | Class in charge of managing the focus inside a Panel. |
FocusEvent | Event sent immediately after an element has gained focus. This event trickles down, it does not bubble up, and it cannot be cancelled. |
FocusEventBase<T0> | Base class for focus related events. |
FocusInEvent | Event sent immediately before an element gains focus. This event trickles down and bubbles up. This event cannot be cancelled. |
FocusOutEvent | Event sent immediately before an element loses focus. This event trickles down and bubbles up. This event cannot be cancelled. |
Foldout | Collapsable section of UI. |
GeometryChangedEvent | Event sent after layout calculations, when the position or the dimension of an element changes. This event cannot be cancelled, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. |
HelpBox | Makes a help box with a message to the user. |
IBindingExtensions | Extensions methods to provide additional IBindable functionality. |
Image | A VisualElement representing a source texture. |
IMGUIContainer | Element that draws IMGUI content. |
IMGUIEvent | Class used to send a IMGUI event that has no equivalent UIElements event. |
ImmediateModeElement | VisualElement that can implement custom immediate mode rendering. |
INotifyValueChangedExtensions | INotifyValueChangedExtensions is a set of extension methods useful for objects implementing INotifyValueChanged. |
InputEvent | Sends an event when text from a TextField changes. |
KeyboardEventBase<T0> | Base class for keyboard events. |
KeyDownEvent | Event sent when a key is pressed on the keyboard. This event trickles down and bubbles up. This event is cancellable. |
KeyUpEvent | Event sent when a key is released on the keyboard. This event trickles down and bubbles up. This event is cancellable. |
Label | Provides an Element displaying text. |
ListView | A vertically scrollable area that only creates visual elements for visible items while allowing the binding of many more items. As the user scrolls, visual elements are recycled and re-bound to new data items. |
Manipulator | Base class for all Manipulator implementations. |
MeshGenerationContext | Offers functionality for generating visual content of a VisualElement during the generateVisualContent callback. |
MeshWriteData | A class that represents the vertex and index data allocated for drawing the content of a VisualElement. |
MinMaxSlider | A min/max slider containing a representation of a range. |
MouseCaptureController | Class that manages capturing mouse events. |
MouseCaptureEvent | Event sent after a handler starts capturing the mouse. |
MouseCaptureEventBase<T0> | Event sent when the handler capturing the mouse changes. |
MouseCaptureOutEvent | Event sent before a handler stops capturing the mouse. |
MouseDownEvent | Mouse down event. |
MouseEnterEvent | Event sent when the mouse pointer enters an element or one of its descendent elements. The event is cancellable, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. |
MouseEnterWindowEvent | Event sent when the mouse pointer enters a window. The event is cancellable, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. |
MouseEventBase<T0> | The base class for mouse events. |
MouseLeaveEvent | Event sent when the mouse pointer exits an element and all its descendent elements. The event is cancellable, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. |
MouseLeaveWindowEvent | Event sent when the mouse pointer exits a window. The event is cancellable, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. |
MouseManipulator | MouseManipulators have a list of activation filters. |
MouseMoveEvent | Mouse move event. |
MouseOutEvent | Event sent when the mouse pointer exits an element. The event trickles down, it bubbles up, and it is cancellable. |
MouseOverEvent | Event sent when the mouse pointer enters an element. The event trickles down, it bubbles up, and it is cancellable. |
MouseUpEvent | Mouse up event. |
PanelChangedEventBase<T0> | Abstract base class for events notifying of a panel change. |
PointerCancelEvent | Event sent when pointer interaction is cancelled. |
PointerCaptureEvent | Event sent when a pointer is captured by a VisualElement. |
PointerCaptureEventBase<T0> | Base class for pointer capture events and mouse capture events. |
PointerCaptureHelper | A static class to capture and release pointers. |
PointerCaptureOutEvent | Event sent when a VisualElement releases a pointer. |
PointerDownEvent | Event sent when a pointer is pressed. |
PointerEnterEvent | Event sent when a pointer enters a VisualElement or one of its descendant. |
PointerEventBase<T0> | Base class for pointer events. |
PointerId | A static class that holds pointer ID values. |
PointerLeaveEvent | Event sent when a pointer exits an element and all of its descendant. |
PointerManipulator | PointerManipulators have a list of activation filters. |
PointerMoveEvent | Event sent when a pointer changes state. |
PointerOutEvent | Event sent when a pointer exits an element. |
PointerOverEvent | Event sent when a pointer enters a VisualElement. |
PointerStationaryEvent | An event sent when a pointer does not change for a set amount of time determined by the operating system. |
PointerType | A static class that holds pointer type values. |
PointerUpEvent | Event sent when the last depressed button of a pointer is released. |
PopupWindow | Styled visual element that matches the EditorGUILayout.Popup IMGUI element. |
RepeatButton | A button that executes an action repeatedly while it is pressed. |
Scroller | A vertical or horizontal scrollbar. |
ScrollView | Displays its contents inside a scrollable frame. |
Slider | A slider containing floating point values. |
SliderInt | A slider containing Integer discrete values. |
StyleSheet | Style sheets are applied to visual elements in order to control the layout and visual appearance of the user interface. |
TemplateContainer | Template Container. |
TextElement | Abstract base class for VisualElement containing text. |
TextField | A textfield is a rectangular area where the user can edit a string. |
TextInputBaseField<T0> | Abstract base class used for all text-based fields. |
Toggle | This is the Toggle field. |
TooltipEvent | Event sent to find the first VisualElement that displays a tooltip. |
TypedUxmlAttributeDescription<T0> | Base class for all the uxml specific attributes. |
UQuery | UQuery is a set of extension methods allowing you to select individual or collection of visualElements inside a complex hierarchy. |
UQueryExtensions | UQuery is a set of extension methods allowing you to select individual or collection of visualElements inside a complex hierarchy. |
UxmlAttributeDescription | Base class for describing an XML attribute. |
UxmlAttributeOverridesFactory | Factory for the root AttributeOverrides element. |
UxmlAttributeOverridesTraits | Defines UxmlTraits for the <AttributeOverrides> tag. |
UxmlBoolAttributeDescription | Describes a XML bool attribute. |
UxmlChildElementDescription | Describe an allowed child element for an element. |
UxmlColorAttributeDescription | Describes a XML attribute representing a Color as a string. |
UxmlDoubleAttributeDescription | Describes a XML double attribute. |
UxmlEnumAttributeDescription<T0> | Describes a XML attribute representing an enum as a string. |
UxmlEnumeration | Restricts the value of an attribute to be taken from a list of values. |
UxmlFactory<T0,T1> | Generic base class for UXML factories, which instantiate a VisualElement using the data read from a UXML file. |
UxmlFactory<T0> | UxmlFactory specialization for classes that derive from VisualElement and that shares its traits, VisualElementTraits. |
UxmlFloatAttributeDescription | Describes a XML float attribute. |
UxmlIntAttributeDescription | Describes a XML int attribute. |
UxmlLongAttributeDescription | Describes a XML long attribute. |
UxmlRootElementFactory | Factory for the root UXML element. |
UxmlRootElementTraits | Defines UxmlTraits for the UXML root element. |
UxmlStringAttributeDescription | Describes a XML string attribute. |
UxmlStyleFactory | Factory for the root Style element. |
UxmlStyleTraits | Defines UxmlTraits for the <Style> tag. |
UxmlTemplateFactory | Factory for the root Template element. |
UxmlTemplateTraits | Defines UxmlTraits for the <Template> tag. |
UxmlTraits | Describes a VisualElement derived class for the parsing of UXML files and the generation of UXML schema definition. |
UxmlTypeAttributeDescription<T0> | Describes an XML System.Type attribute. |
UxmlTypeRestriction | Base class to restricts the value of an attribute. |
UxmlValueBounds | Restricts the value of an attribute to be within the specified bounds. |
UxmlValueMatches | Restricts the value of an attribute to match a regular expression. |
ValidateCommandEvent | The event sent to probe which elements accepts a command. |
ValueAnimation<T0> | Implementation object for transition animations. |
VectorImage | An asset that represents a vector image. |
VisualElement | Base class for objects that are part of the UIElements visual tree. |
VisualElementExtensions | VisualElementExtensions is a set of extension methods useful for VisualElement. |
VisualElementFocusChangeDirection | Define focus change directions for the VisualElementFocusRing. |
VisualElementFocusRing | Implementation of a linear focus ring. Elements are sorted according to their focusIndex. |
VisualTreeAsset | An instance of this class holds a tree of `VisualElementAsset`s, created from a UXML file. Each node in the file corresponds to a `VisualElementAsset`. You can clone a `VisualTreeAsset` to yield a tree of `VisualElement`s. |
WheelEvent | Mouse wheel event. |