Version: 2020.1
  • C#



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The result of an Asset Bundle Load or Recompress Operation.


SuccessThe operation completed successfully.
CancelledThe operation was cancelled.
NotMatchingCrcThe decompressed Asset data did not match the precomputed CRC. This may suggest that the AssetBundle did not download correctly.
FailedCacheThe Asset Bundle was not successfully cached.
NotValidAssetBundleThis does not appear to be a valid Asset Bundle.
NoSerializedDataThe Asset Bundle does not contain any serialized data. It may be empty, or corrupt.
NotCompatibleThe AssetBundle is incompatible with this version of Unity.
AlreadyLoadedThe Asset Bundle is already loaded.
FailedReadFailed to read the Asset Bundle file.
FailedDecompressionFailed to decompress the Asset Bundle.
FailedWriteFailed to write to the file system.
FailedDeleteRecompressionTargetThe target path given for the Recompression operation could not be deleted for swap with recompressed bundle file.
RecompressionTargetIsLoadedThe target path given for the Recompression operation is an Archive that is currently loaded.
RecompressionTargetExistsButNotArchiveThe target path given for the Recompression operation exists but is not an Archive container.