Version: 2020.1
  • C#


class in UnityEngine.Assertions


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule

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The Assert class contains assertion methods for setting invariants in the code.

All method calls will be conditionally included only in a development build, unless specified explicitly. See BuildOptions.ForceEnableAssertions. The inclusion of an assertion is controlled by the UNITY_ASSERTIONS define.

Assert throws exceptions by default whenever an assertion fails. You can however set Assertions.Assert._raiseExceptions to false and Unity then logs a message using LogType.Assert instead.

If a debugger is attached to the project (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached is true), AssertionException will be thrown in order to pause the excecution and invoke the debugger.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;

public class AssertionExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public int health; public GameObject go;

void Update() { // You expect the health never to be equal to zero Assert.AreNotEqual(0, health);

// The referenced GameObject should be always (in every frame) be active Assert.IsTrue(go.activeInHierarchy); } }

Static Methods

AreApproximatelyEqualAssert the values are approximately equal.
AreEqualAssert that the values are equal.
AreNotApproximatelyEqualAsserts that the values are approximately not equal.
AreNotEqualAssert that the values are not equal.
IsFalseReturn true when the condition is false. Otherwise return false.
IsNotNullAssert that the value is not null.
IsNullAssert the value is null.
IsTrueAsserts that the condition is true.