Version: 2020.1
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Profiling.Memory.Experimental


Implemented in:UnityEditor

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A class that houses native object data, returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.nativeObjects.


flagsAn array the contains the flags attached to the native memory objects referenced in the NativeObjectEntries.nativeObjectAddress array.
gcHandleIndexIndex of a handle inside the PackedMemorySnapshot.gcHandles array.
hideFlagsThe hide flags attached to this native object.
instanceIdThe instance id of this native object.
nativeObjectAddressAn array of memory addresses that point to native C++ objects. This matches the "m_CachePtr" field of a UnityEngine.Object.
nativeTypeArrayIndexAn array of indexes into the PackedMemorySnapshot.nativeTypes array used to retrieve the the native C++ type description.
objectNameAn array containing the names of the native objects.
rootReferenceIdAn array containing the root reference ids of the native objects. Corresponds to entries in array.
sizeThe size in bytes of this object.

Public Methods

GetNumEntriesGets the number of native object entries.