class in Unity.Profiling.LowLevel.Unsafe
Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule
Utility class which provides access to low level Profiler API.
Use ProfilerUnsafeUtility methods to build a high-level profiling primitive.
The low level Profiler API is included in a Release Build.
CategoryAi | AI and NavMesh Profiler category. |
CategoryAllocation | Memory allocation Profiler category. |
CategoryAnimation | Animation Profiler category. |
CategoryAudio | Audio system Profiler category. |
CategoryGUI | UI Profiler category. |
CategoryInput | Input system Profiler category. |
CategoryLightning | Global Illumination Profiler category. |
CategoryLoading | Loading system Profiler category. |
CategoryNetwork | Networking system Profiler category. |
CategoryOther | Uncategorized Profiler category. |
CategoryParticles | Particle system Profiler category. |
CategoryPhysics | Physics system Profiler category. |
CategoryRender | Rendering system Profiler category. |
CategoryScripts | Generic C# code Profiler category. |
CategoryVideo | Video system Profiler category. |
CategoryVr | VR systen Profiler category. |
BeginSample | Starts profiling a piece of code marked with a custom name that the markerPtr handle has defined. |
BeginSampleWithMetadata | Starts profiling a piece of code marked with a custom name that the markerPtr handle and metadata parameters has defined. |
CreateMarker | Constructs a new Profiler marker handle for code instrumentation. |
EndSample | End profiling a piece of code marked with a custom name defined by this instance of ProfilerMarker. |
SetMarkerMetadata | Set Profiler marker metadata name and type. |
SingleSampleWithMetadata | Creates profiling sample with a custom name that the markerPtr handle and metadata parameters has defined. |