Version: 2020.1
  • C#


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public static void SetMarkerMetadata(IntPtr markerPtr, int index, string name, byte type, byte unit);


markerPtr Profiler marker handle.
index Metadata parameter index.
name Metadata parameter name.
type Metadata type. Must be one of ProfilerMarkerDataType values.
unit Metadata unit. Must be one of ProfilerMarkerDataUnit values.


Set Profiler marker metadata name and type.

Use to add additional usage context to the Profiler sample metadata parameter.

using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Profiling;
using Unity.Profiling.LowLevel;
using Unity.Profiling.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using System;

class Example { static IntPtr MakeMarkerWithIntMetadata(string name, string paramName) { var handle = ProfilerUnsafeUtility.CreateMarker(name, ProfilerUnsafeUtility.CategoryScripts, MarkerFlags.Default, 1); ProfilerUnsafeUtility.SetMarkerMetadata(handle, 0, paramName, (byte)ProfilerMarkerDataType.Int32, (byte)ProfilerMarkerDataUnit.Count); return handle; }

static readonly IntPtr markerHandle = MakeMarkerWithIntMetadata("MyMarker", "Work Idx"); static unsafe void DoWork(int num) { var metadata = stackalloc ProfilerMarkerData[1]; metadata[0].Type = (byte)ProfilerMarkerDataType.Int32; metadata[0].Size = (uint)UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<int>(); metadata[0].Ptr = UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref num); ProfilerUnsafeUtility.BeginSampleWithMetadata(markerHandle, 1, metadata); //... ProfilerUnsafeUtility.EndSample(markerHandle); } }