Version: 2022.1
  • C#


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public static List<SearchItem> GetItems(Search.SearchContext context, Search.SearchFlags options);


context The current search context.
options Options defining how the query is performed.


List<SearchItem> A list of search items matching the search query.


Initiates a search and returns all search items matching the search context. Other items can be found later using asynchronous searches.

Unity suggests using SearchService.Request to execute a search query. GetItems usually requires setting up more context to achieve a good result. The following is a small example that uses GetItems.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Search;
using UnityEngine;

static class Example_SearchService_GetItems
    public static void Run()
        // Create a container to hold found items.
        var results = new List<SearchItem>();

        // Create the search context that will be used to execute the query.
        using (var searchContext = SearchService.CreateContext("scene", "is:leaf"))
            // Set up a callback that will be used gather additional asynchronous results.
            searchContext.asyncItemReceived += (context, incomingItems) => results.AddRange(incomingItems);

            // Initiate the query and get the first results.
            results.AddRange(SearchService.GetItems(searchContext, SearchFlags.WantsMore));

            // ***IMPORTANT***: Wait for the search to finish. Note that often times, a search
            // provider will need to be ticked by EditorApplication to yieled new search items. Unity doesn't recommends
            // to do an active wait on the main thread to process search results.
            while (searchContext.searchInProgress)

            // Print results
            foreach (var searchItem in results)

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