Version: 2022.2
  • C#


class in UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode

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Represents an Xcode scheme (xcscheme file).

string schemePath = pathToBuiltProject + "/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Unity-iPhone.xcscheme";

var xcscheme = new XcScheme(); xcscheme.ReadFromFile(schemePath);

xcscheme.SetMetalValidationOnRun(XcScheme.MetalValidation.Extended); xcscheme.SetFrameCaptureModeOnRun(XcScheme.FrameCaptureMode.Metal); xcscheme.AddArgumentPassedOnLaunch("--myarg = 1");

xcscheme.WriteToFile(schemePath); #endif


XcSchemeCreates a new instance of the XcScheme class.

Public Methods

AddArgumentPassedOnLaunchAdds command line arguments to be passed on launch.
GetBuildConfigurationReturns the build configuration used for running.
ReadFromFileReads the scheme from a file identified by the given path.
ReadFromStreamReads the scheme from the given text reader.
ReadFromStringReads the scheme from the given string.
SetBuildConfigurationSets the build configuration to be used for running.
SetDebugExecutableSets the **Debug executable** toggle in the scheme.
SetFrameCaptureModeOnRunSets whether frame capture should be enabled.
SetMetalValidationOnRunSets the **Metal API Validation** option in the scheme.
WriteToFileWrites the scheme contents to the specified file.
WriteToStreamWrites the scheme contents to the specified text writer.
WriteToStringWrites the contents of the scheme to a string.
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