Version: 2023.1
  • C#



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An enumeration that contains the available search engine scopes.

A search engine scope identifies where a search comes from. This is useful when implementing a single entry point for the base engine functions:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SearchService;

class BaseEngine : ISearchEngineBase
    public virtual void BeginSession(ISearchContext context)
        if (context.engineScope == ObjectSelectorSearch.EngineScope || context.engineScope == ProjectSearch.EngineScope)
            // Cache Assets.
        if (context.engineScope == ObjectSelectorSearch.EngineScope || context.engineScope == SceneSearch.EngineScope)
            // Cache Scene objects.

    public virtual void EndSession(ISearchContext context)
        // Flush any cached data.

    public virtual void BeginSearch(ISearchContext context, string query)

    public virtual void EndSearch(ISearchContext context)

    public string name => "My Engine Service";

class SampleSceneFilterEngine : BaseEngine, ISceneSearchEngine
    public bool Filter(ISearchContext context, string query, HierarchyProperty objectToFilter)
        // Use cached Scene objects.
        // ...
        return true;

class SampleProjectSearchEngine : BaseEngine, IProjectSearchEngine
    public IEnumerable<string> Search(ISearchContext context, string query, Action<IEnumerable<string>> asyncItemsReceived)
        // Use cached Assets.
        // ...
        return new List<string>();

class SampleObjectSelectorEngine : BaseEngine, IObjectSelectorEngine
    public bool SelectObject(ISearchContext context, Action<UnityEngine.Object, bool> onObjectSelectorClosed, Action<UnityEngine.Object> onObjectSelectedUpdated)
        // Use cached Assets and Scene objects.
        return true;

    public void SetSearchFilter(ISearchContext context, string searchFilter)


SceneIdentifies a search for Scene engines.
ProjectIdentifies a search for Project engines.
ObjectSelectorIdentifies a search for ObjectSelector engines.
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