Importing Objects From Lightwave

You can import meshes and animations from Lightwave in two different ways:

Unity currently imports:

  1. All nodes with position, rotation and scale. Pivot points and Names are also imported.
  2. Meshes with up to 2 UV Channels
  3. Normals
  4. Materials with Texture and diffuse color. Multiple materials per mesh.
  5. Animations.
  6. Bone-based animations.

Detailed documentation for this from Lightwave is not available on-line but comes in the PDF manual included with your download


FBX Export

From Lightwave version 11 onwards the FBX 2012 exporter is now included:

FBX Filename : This file can contain multiple objects, Choose a filename and save to your \assets directory

Anim Layer : TBC

Type : Choose Binary to reduce filesize or ASCII for a text editable FBX

FBX Version Select 201200 from the drop down to ensure version 2012.1

Export : Select all the elements you wish to include - not cameras and lights are not read into Unity

Mesh type Choose Cage Subdivision if * otherwise choose subdivided to *

Bake Motion EnvelopesTBC

Start frame / End frame

Scale Scene Set a scale for your scene applicable to match Unity

Importing LIghtwave scenes with AppLink

To read a lightwave scene you must use the Applink package provided with your Lightwave installation from version 11 onwards only


E.g. Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Standard Packages (for machines running a 64-bit version of Windows) or Mac: Applications/Unity/Standard Packages.

Create Unity Project for you lightwave scene

Your folder structure should look like this:



Unity will then convert the LightWave scene to an FBX

Any changes to the FBX (lightwave scene assets) will only be stored in Unity, so this is a Uni-directional pipeline, but Unity will remember any material assignments and properties applied to the FBX scene even if you update from LightWave

Page last updated: 2013-03-13