Legacy Documentation: Version 5.2
Setting up Google Analytics
Refunding Your Customers.

Viewing the status of your Asset store submissions:

You can view the status of your asset via the pending tab in your Publisher Administration Page

Submission States

Pending: This means the asset has been received and is in the submission queue awaiting review from the vetting team. You should only contact assetstore@unity3d.com if the asset has not been reviewed within 10 working days of submission.
Published: This will show all assets that are currently Published on the asset store.
Declined: This shows all assets that were submitted and Declined by the asset store vetting team.
Disabled: This will show all assets that have been Disabled from the asset store.

If the asset does not appear in the pending queue then it has not been created as a package or has been accepted.

You will be notified by e-mail if your asset is removed from the store. E-mails will be sent to the main e-mail address attached to your publisher account.

Setting up Google Analytics
Refunding Your Customers.
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