Legacy Documentation: Version 5.2
Unity Analytics
Unity Analytics 4.x - 5.1 (SDK)

Integration Overview

Select Unity Engine Version

The Unity Analytics integration process is different depending on the version of Unity that is being used for your project.


Unity Analytics comes built-in starting with version 5.2 of the Unity Editor. We recommend you upgrade your existing Unity project with Analytics already integrated to 5.2. Select the upgrade instructions applicable to you.

Basic Integration

Connect your Unity Project ID to your game, and Unity Analytics will provide you information about your users’ engagement and in-game behavior.

Advanced Integration

Advanced Integration provides richer game data and enhances what you can see and do in the dashboard. It is not necessary in order to see basic user engagement analytics on the dashboard. Custom Events, Monetization, and User Attributes are the building blocks for deeper analysis.

Note: 5.1 Projects that Integrated Analytics Before September 8, 2015

Unity Analytics SDK will now support 4.x–5.1 versions. The previous 5.1 integration “PlayerSettings” copy-and-paste ProjectID method will still work, but we are discontinuing support for it. For existing 5.1 users, we recommend you update your integration to use the above supported methods.

Unity Analytics
Unity Analytics 4.x - 5.1 (SDK)
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