Legacy Documentation: Version 5.2
Wheel Joint 2D
Area Effector 2D

Constant Force 2D

Switch to Scripting

Constant Force is a quick utility for adding constant forces to a Rigidbody2D. This works great for one shot objects like rockets, if you don’t want it to start with a large velocity but instead accelerate.

It applies both linear and angular (torque) forces continuously to the rigidbody each physics update.

The Constant Force 2D Inspector
The Constant Force 2D Inspector


Property: Function:
Force The linear force applied to the rigidbody each physics update.
Relative Force The linear force, relative to the rigid-body coordinate system, applied each physics update.
Torque The torque applied to the rigidbody each physics update.
Wheel Joint 2D
Area Effector 2D
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