Legacy Documentation: Version 5.2
Noise And Grain
Screen Overlay

Noise And Scratches

The Noise image effect can simulate TV/VCR noise.

As with the other image effects, you must have the Standard Assets Effects package installed before it becomes available.

Noise effect with high intensity applied to the scene
Noise effect with high intensity applied to the scene


Property: Function:
Monochrome If enabled, Noise is similar to TV noise. If disabled, it more closely resembles VCR noise - it distorts color values in YUV space, so you also get hue changes, mostly towards magenta/green gues.
Grain Intensity Min/Max The intensity of noise takes random values between Min and Max.
Grain Size The size of a single grain texture pixel in screen pixels. Increasing this will make noise grains larger.
Scratch Intensity Min/Max The intensity of additional scratch/dust takes random values between Min and Max.
Scratch FPS Scratches jump to different positions on the screen at this framerate.
Scratch Jitter Scratches can jitter slightly while remaining close to their original positions.

Hardware Support

This effect should run on all hardware that Unity supports.

Noise And Grain
Screen Overlay
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