Legacy Documentation: Version 5.2
Using WebGL Templates
Cursor locking and fullscreen mode in WebGL

Using Audio In WebGL

Audio in WebGL is done differently then on all other platforms. On other platforms we use FMOD internally to supply audio playback and mixing. Since the WebGL platform does not support threads, we need to use a different implementation, which is internally based on the Web Audio API, which lets the browser handle audio playback and mixing for us.

Unfortunately, this limits audio functionality in Unity WebGL to supporting only the most basic features. This page will document what is expected to work. Anything not listed here is not currently supported on WebGL.


Audio sources support basic positional audio playback with pausing and resuming, panning, rolloff, pitch setting, and doppler effect support.

The following AudioSource APIs are supported:


clip, dopplerLevel, ignoreListenerPause, ignoreListenerVolume, isPlaying, loop, maxDistance, minDistance, mute, pitch, playOnAwake, rolloffMode, time, timeSamples, velocityUpdateMode, volume


Pause, Play, PlayDelayed, PlayOneShot, PlayScheduled, SetScheduledEndTime, SetScheduledStartTime, Stop, UnPause, PlayClipAtPoint


All listener APIs are supported.


Audio clips in WebGL will always be imported in the AAC format, as that is widely supported by different browsers.

The following AudioClip APIs are supported:


length, loadState, samples


The only supported AudioClip method in WebGL is AudioClip.Create. AudioClip.Create is supported partially: it will only work if the streaming parameter is set to false and the complete audio samples can be loaded at the time AudioClip.Create is called. It will then create the clip and load all samples before returning control. AudioClip.Create is currently not supported in Chrome due to a bug, which is going to be fixed in a future release.


WWW.audioClip should work in WebGL, if the audio clip is in a format which is natively supported by the browser. See here for a list of supported formats in different browsers.

Using WebGL Templates
Cursor locking and fullscreen mode in WebGL
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