Game Systems
The following Game Systems
, accessible through GameFoundationSdk, can be used to enhance your game, permit IAP Transactions and save time as you make your game.
The Inventory Manager tracks all items in player's inventory (items could have been acquired through an In App Purchase, a Virtual Transaction, or granted through script in response to a game event) and can be used by your Game Economy to provide objectives and track accomplisments (i.e. game play) in your game.
The Wallet Manager, similar to the Inventory Manager (above), tracks Currencies acquired by the player in your game to maintain your Game Economy.
The Reward Manager provides access to in-game rewards such as Daily Bonuses, Promotions, etc. These rewards can promote retention and generally improve your player's experience in your game world.
The Transaction Manager process both Virtual Transaction and IAP Transaction within your game.
Data access layer
The data access layer is responsible for providing Game Foundation-related game state data to the Game Foundation systems. This makes it easy for you to switch between no persistence, local persistence, and your own persistence, without changing how you use GameFoundation.
We provide ready-to-use implementations that match the most common cases:
- Use a MemoryDataLayer if you want to play from a clean slate each session (especially useful for testing). You can also get Game Foundation's raw data from it to serialize them however you want.
- Use a PersistenceDataLayer to save and load your progression on a local file.
You can also implement your own IDataAccessLayer
if you have more specific requirements.
More info in this page.