Version: 2017.2
在 iOS 设备上进行故障排除

报告 iOS 上的崩溃错误

在提交错误报告之前,请查看 iOS 故障排除页面,了解常见崩溃和其他问题的解决方案。

如果您的应用程序在 Xcode 调试器中崩溃,则可以按如下方式将有价值的信息添加到错误报告中:

  1. Click Continue (Run->Continue) twice
  2. Open the debugger console (Run->Console) and enter (in the console): thread apply all bt
  3. Copy all console output and send it together with your bugreport.

If your application crashes on the iOS device then you should retrieve the crash report as described here on Apple’s website. Please attach the crash report, your built application and console log to your bug report before submitting.

在 iOS 设备上进行故障排除
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