Version: 2019.2
Selecting tracks
Deleting tracks

Duplicating tracks

Duplicating a track copies its clips, blends, and Inspector properties. If the duplicated track is bound to a GameObject, the binding is reset to None.

Track binding for a duplicated track is reset to None
Track binding for a duplicated track is reset to None

There are many ways to duplicate tracks:

  • Select a track. Right-click an empty area in the Track list and select Duplicate from the context menu.

  • 选择一个轨道。按住 Command/Control 并按 D。

  • Select a track. Hold Command/Control and press C, for copy, then press V, for paste.

  • Right-click a track and either select Duplicate from the context menu or hold Command/Control and press D.

  • 2019–08–20 页面已发布
Selecting tracks
Deleting tracks
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