Version: 2020.3


class in UnityEditor



A data structure that provides information about a progress indicator.

Use Progress.GetProgressById to get a Progress.Item for a specific progress indicator.


cancellableReturns true if the progress indicator's associated event can be canceled.
currentStepReturns the current step for this progress indicator.
descriptionReturns the progress indicator's description.
elapsedTimeReturns the number of seconds that the progress indicator has been running for.
existsChecks whether the progress indicator exists.
finishedReturns true if the progress indicator is finished, but not removed.
idReturns the progress indicator's unique identifier.
indefiniteReturns true if the progress indicator is indefinite.
nameReturns the progress indicator's name.
optionsReturns the option flags used to start the progress indicator.
parentIdReturns the unique ID of the progress indicator's parent, or -1 if the progress indicator is not a child of another progress indicator.
pausableReturns true if the progress indicator's task can be paused.
pausedReturns true if the progress indicator is paused.
priorityReturns the progress indicator's priority.
progressReturns the progress value of a progress indicator's associated task.
remainingTimeReturns this progress indicator's remaining time to completion.
respondingReturns true if progress is ongoing, false if the progress indicator has not received any progress report for more than 5 seconds.
runningReturns true if the progress indicator is running and active.
startTimeReturns the time when the progress indicator started.
statusReturns the progress indicator's status.
stepLabelReturns the label that displays the progress indicator's steps.
timeDisplayModeReturns the progress indicator's time display mode.
totalStepsReturns the total number of steps, from start to finish, for this progress indicator.
updateTimeReturns the last time the progress indicator was updated.


CancelCancels a running progress indicator.
ClearRemainingTimeResets the computation of the progress indicator's remaining time.
FinishMarks the progress indicator as finished.
PausePauses a running progress indicator.
RegisterCancelCallbackRegisters a callback that is called when the user cancels a running progress indicator's associated task.
RegisterPauseCallbackRegisters a callback that is called when a user pauses a running progress indicator's task.
RemoveFinishes and removes an active progress indicator.
ReportReports the progress indicator's current status.
ResumeResumes a paused progress indicator.
SetDescriptionSets the progress indicator's description. To clear the description pass null.
SetPrioritySets the progress indicator's priority.
SetRemainingTimeSets the progress indicator's remaining time, in seconds.
SetStepLabelSets the label that displays the progress indicator's steps.
SetTimeDisplayModeSet a progress indicator's time display mode.
UnregisterCancelCallbackUnregisters a previously registered progress cancellation callback.
UnregisterPauseCallbackUnregisters a previously registered progress pause callback.
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