Version: 2021.2


public static void BeginSampleWithMetadata (IntPtr markerPtr, int metadataCount, void* metadata);


markerPtr Profiler marker handle.
metadataCount Metadata parameters count.
metadata Unsafe pointer to the ProfilerMarkerData array.


Starts profiling a piece of code marked with a custom name that the markerPtr handle and metadata parameters has defined.

Code marked with BeginSampleWithMetadata and EndSample shows up in the Profiler hierarchy. Always use EndSample to close a started section of the instrumented code.
In the Timeline view of the Profiler Window the provided metadata is available in the tooltip message. Use HierarchyFrameDataView.GetItemMetadata to retrieve metadata programmatically.

Note: Both BeginSampleWithMetadata and EndSample are thread safe and can be used in jobified code.
The low level Profiler API is included in a Release Build.

using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Profiling;
using Unity.Profiling.LowLevel;
using Unity.Profiling.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using System;

class Example { static IntPtr MakeMarkerWithIntMetadata(string name, string paramName) { var handle = ProfilerUnsafeUtility.CreateMarker(name, ProfilerUnsafeUtility.CategoryScripts, MarkerFlags.Default, 1); ProfilerUnsafeUtility.SetMarkerMetadata(handle, 0, paramName, (byte)ProfilerMarkerDataType.Int32, (byte)ProfilerMarkerDataUnit.Count); return handle; }

static readonly IntPtr markerHandle = MakeMarkerWithIntMetadata("MyMarker", "Work Idx");

static unsafe void DoWork(int num) { var metadata = stackalloc ProfilerMarkerData[1]; metadata[0].Type = (byte)ProfilerMarkerDataType.Int32; metadata[0].Size = (uint)UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<int>(); metadata[0].Ptr = UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref num); ProfilerUnsafeUtility.BeginSampleWithMetadata(markerHandle, 1, metadata); //... ProfilerUnsafeUtility.EndSample(markerHandle); } }

Use Recorder to obtain per-frame timings in the Player for the specific marker name.

See Also: EndSample, CreateMarker, SetMarkerMetadata.

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