Version: 2021.3


struct in UnityEditor.Profiling



Category information descriptor structure.

Contains the full information about a Profiler category such as its name, color, id, and flags. Use with FrameDataView.GetAllCategories and FrameDataView.GetCategoryInfo to get information on the available Profiler categories.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor.Profiling;
using Unity.Profiling;

public class Example { public static void GetAllBuiltinProfilerCategories(FrameDataView frameDataView, List<ProfilerCategoryInfo> unityProfilerCategories) { unityProfilerCategories.Clear(); var infos = new List<ProfilerCategoryInfo>(); frameDataView.GetAllCategories(infos); foreach (var info in infos) { if (info.flags.HasFlag(ProfilerCategoryFlags.Builtin)) { unityProfilerCategories.Add(info); } } } }


colorThe color of the Profiler category, as a Color32.
flagsFlags for showing if the Category is user defined or built into Unity.
idId used by Unity for tracking the Category.
nameThe name used by Unity for the Category.
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