Version: 2022.1
public static SplashScreenLogo[] logos ;


在启动画面过程中显示的一系列徽标。将以升序绘制徽标,从索引 0 开始,然后为 1,以此类推。

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class ExampleScript { [MenuItem("SplashScreen/AssignLogos")] public static void AssignLogos() { var logos = new PlayerSettings.SplashScreenLogo[2];

// Company logo Sprite companyLogo = (Sprite)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/SplashScreen/company logo.jpg", typeof(Sprite)); logos[0] = PlayerSettings.SplashScreenLogo.Create(2.5f, companyLogo);

// Set the Unity logo to be drawn after the company logo. logos[1] = PlayerSettings.SplashScreenLogo.CreateWithUnityLogo();

PlayerSettings.SplashScreen.logos = logos; } }
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