Version: 2022.3
生成光照贴图 UV
Fixing lightmap UV overlap

Visualizing lightmap UVs

It is important to be able to view the lightmap UVs that are being used, and Unity has a visualization tool to help you with this. First, open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting) and tick the Auto checkbox at the bottom. This ensures that your bake and precompute are up-to-date, and outputs the data that is needed to view the UVs. Wait for the process to finish (this can take some time for large or complex Scenes).

Visualizing real-time lightmap UVs

To see the UVs for the Realtime Global Illumination system:

  • 在场景中选定一个包含网格渲染器的游戏对象
  • 打开 Lighting 窗口,然后选择 Object 选项卡
  • Preview 区域中,从下拉选单中选择 Charting

这将显示所选网格的实例的实时光照贴图的 UV 布局。

  • 图表由预览中的不同颜色区域表示(显示在上图中的右侧)。
  • 所选实例的 UV 放置在图表上,同时网格的线框表示了相应的游戏对象。
  • 深灰色纹理像素显示了光照贴图的未使用区域。


Visualizing baked lightmap UVs

To see the UVs for the Baked Global Illumination system:

  • 选择一个实例。
  • 打开 Lighting 窗口(菜单:__Window__ > Rendering > Lighting__),然后选择 Object __选项卡。
  • Preview 区域中,从下拉选单中选择 Baked Intensity

如您所见,烘焙 UV 与预计算实时 UV 大不相同。这是因为烘焙和预计算实时 UV 的要求不同。

生成光照贴图 UV
Fixing lightmap UV overlap
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